Jiahua (Max) Cai

Columbia University

Pratt Institute
School of Architecture

Currently live in NYC. 




About me


About photos and this site

Born in a normal family in a normal place in China, my life has never been “excited like a action movie”.

Having lived in NYC for seven years or so, this place is now more than my home than my hometown, in fact, since I am legally an adult, or even count from the age of “the formation of proper value”, NYC has been the longest stayed city for me.

Design is a joy, the kind of joy that is brought by the users of the product. So it is my piority to think more about human beings since my happiness are based upon theirs.


Without a specific style of image, I named this site "undefined".

It is possible to trace the change of style when I first picked up my camera all the way till now, as I am still constantly changing, being influenced by many different artists and art movements and most importantly, my emotion.

There isn't a complete project of my work, or I may say, there is no project at all. I roughly put photos into few categories trying to categorize them as a archive.

Taking photos is just my pure hobby, as well as playing with different equipments.

There is no art or anything about art that I am ever trying to involve or talk about.

Or even mentioning "art" is being narcissistic.

In the end I am not a photographer, maybe some people assume and treat me as one.


All rights reserved by Jiahua Cai